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India may become 'world capital of liver diseases' – Nagaland Post

Daily News & Analysis

India may become ‘world capital of liver diseases’
Nagaland Post
A sedentary lifestyle, increased alcohol consumption and obesity are contributing towards making India the “world capital of liver diseases” by 2025, a health expert said Saturday. “Urbanisation and changes linked with it like sedentary lifestyle
Sedentary lifestyle in Mumbai leading to increased cases of liver diseaseDaily News & Analysis

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Woman Meets Life-Saving Bone Marrow Donor (and It's Amazing) – Yahoo Canada Shine (blog)

Yahoo Canada Shine (blog)

Woman Meets Life-Saving Bone Marrow Donor (and It’s Amazing)
Yahoo Canada Shine (blog)
Bieno immediately began rigorous rounds of chemotherapy; however, due to a genetic mutation that would enable the leukemia to keep returning, she desperately needed a stem cell transplant (otherwise known as a bone marrow transplant), a process that …