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Gut bacteria linked to alcoholic liver disease – Times of India

Times of India

Gut bacteria linked to alcoholic liver disease
Times of India
“These findings provide first evidence for a causal role of gut microbiota in alcohol-induced inflammation,” said professor Frank Lammert, scientific committee member, European Association for the Study of the Liver. In the study, two groups of germ
Gut bacteria to blame for alcohol liver disease in some?India.Com Health

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Company Update: Biogen Idec Inc (NASDAQ:BIIB) – Biogen Idec to Present New … – Jutia Group

Company Update: Biogen Idec Inc (NASDAQ:BIIB) – Biogen Idec to Present New
Jutia Group
Its products under Phase III clinical trials consist of Daclizumab, a monoclonal antibody in relapsing MS; TYSABRI for secondary progressive MS; and GA101, a monoclonal antibody for chronic lymphocytic leukemia and NHL. The company’s Phase II clinical …

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Biogen Idec to Present New Clinical Data from Its Robust Neurology Portfolio … – The Herald | (press release)

Biogen Idec to Present New Clinical Data from Its Robust Neurology Portfolio
The Herald | (press release)
Daclizumab high-yield process (DAC HYP) is in late-stage clinical development for the treatment of RRMS, the most common form of MS. DAC HYP is a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to CD25, a receptor subunit that is expressed at high levels on …
Company Update: Biogen Idec Inc (NASDAQ:BIIB) – Biogen Idec to Present New Jutia Group

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