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Married to Medicine RECAP 4/13/14: Season 2 Episode 2 “Love and Basketball” – Celebrity Dirty Laundry

Celebrity Dirty Laundry

Married to Medicine RECAP 4/13/14: Season 2 Episode 2 “Love and Basketball”
Celebrity Dirty Laundry
Meanwhile, Mariah talks her balding hubby into getting hair transplant surgery. After the showdown at Dr. Heavenly’s, Toya and Dr. Simonemeet to hash out their issues, but end up embroiled in even bigger conflict. Tonight is going to be another great

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To be an Organ Donor, Specific Attitudes Trump General Support – Imperial Valley News

To be an Organ Donor, Specific Attitudes Trump General Support
Imperial Valley News
In a 2005 Gallup poll, 95 percent of Americans said they “support or strongly support” organ donation, yet only 40 percent of eligible donors have registered, according to a study published online in the APA journal Health Psychology. “More than 120
To be an organ donor, specific attitudes trump general support, study findsScience Codex

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