Tainted organ transplants – Malaysia Star
Tainted organ transplants
Malaysia Star He also suggested that the authorities look into the possibility of organ donation for cases of cardiac death and not only in brain dead cases. … |
Tainted organ transplants
Malaysia Star He also suggested that the authorities look into the possibility of organ donation for cases of cardiac death and not only in brain dead cases. … |
![]() Telegraph.co.uk |
Girl survives 228 days with artificial heart
Telegraph.co.uk The left side of her heart did not work properly, meaning she would eventually need a transplant. It was thought, however, that she would be too weak to … |
Fort Worth man awaits doctors' decision on face transplant
Denton Record Chronicle We are beginning an initiative here that's called Composite Tissue Allotransplantation. It's a fancy word. Composite tissue means tissue that is formed from … |
![]() WNED |
Online Organ Donation Registry Coming Soon
WNED BUFFALO (wned) – It will soon be easier for New Yorkers to sign up for organ and tissue donation. A new state law allows potential donors to register … |
Father of transplant wait patient appeals for more donors
Worcester News A FATHER whose daughter died waiting for an organ transplant is asking more people to become organ donors, starting with hospital staff. … Bradford doctors' urgent transplant callBradford Telegraph Argus |
Apollo conducts first adult live donor liver transplant in eastern India
MorungExpress … for Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata to be the first hospital in the entire eastern region to perform adult living related liver transplantation. … |
Manitowoc man's kidney transplant surgery successful
Herald Times Reporter He received a donor organ from his niece, Pam Resnick, on July 2 during transplant surgery performed at St. Luke's Medical Center in Milwaukee. … |
Lung transplant survivor's medal haul
Dumfries and Galloway Standard DEREK Riley couldn't hold a conversation or brush his teeth without getting breathless before his life-changing lung transplant. But he's making up for the … |
![]() msnbc.com |
World's first full face transplant is a success, say surgeons
Daily Mail Surgeons have completed the world's first full face transplant in a groundbreaking operation lasting almost a day. A 35-year-old man, … French doctors perform world's first full-face transplantScottish Daily Record World's first full face transplantMarie Claire.co.uk Surgeons carry out world's first full face transplantTelegraph.co.uk The Sun –Techno Vings (blog) –TopNews United States all 406 news articles » |
Mother of 2 awaits heart transplant
Reno Gazette-Journal In June, Johnston-Duchesneau was added to the United Network of Organ Sharing transplant list and must wait for the call from Stanford Clinics and Hospital … |