All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Red Cross calling for blood donors – Sentinel & Enterprise


Red Cross calling for blood donors
Sentinel & Enterprise
Red Cross attendant and phlebotomist Wilfredo Cruz bustles around him preparing donation equipment. Michael Jackson’s classic “Billie Jean” echoed from a stereo across the room. In the skies outside, clouds started to gather as the fourth nor’easter
American Red Cross In Dire Need of Blood and Platelet DonorsWFMD
Red Cross volunteers speak on importance of blood donationsWILX-TV
‘If you got it; give it’: Drumheller resident donates blood for 88th timeDrumhellerMail WCSH-WLBZ –Coveleaderpress
all 75 news articles »

China bungles changes to its blood-donation system – Clot-hoppers – The Economist

91mobiles (blog)

China bungles changes to its blood-donation system – Clot-hoppers
The Economist
PU BAOZHEN sold her house and car and moved to Beijing to seek treatment for aplastic anaemia, a rare blood disease. In early February, just minutes into her first session of chemotherapy, the hospital pulled the plug.
Twitter launches #BloodMatters campaign to spread awareness for blood donation91mobiles (blog)
Donate blood and save a lifeNorthern Natal Courier
Career blood donor gets results with a lifetime of givingWKMG News 6 & ClickOrlando
Watertown Public Opinion –Community Newspaper Group –Gilmer Mirror
all 18 news articles »

Twitter India launches #BloodMatters to help with blood donation – The Siasat Daily

The Siasat Daily

Twitter India launches #BloodMatters to help with blood donation
The Siasat Daily
“The platform aims to scale up the volume of blood donation conversation in India, the number of donors, and work with partners that can ensure safe, screened blood can reach those in need in time across India,” Twitter India said in a statement. With