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Ashfoam, Rotary Club organise blood donation exercise | Health … – GhanaWeb


Ashfoam, Rotary Club organise blood donation exercise | Health …
The Ashanti Foam Factory Limited (ASHFOAM), Rotary Club of Accra, Dzorwulu, and USDA-Amplifies Ghana have embarked on a blood donation exercise to support the National Blood Service. The donation was geared towards stocking the country’s blood bank to

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Dear NIA, there’s more to journalism than road inaugurations & blood-donation camps – Catch News

Catch News

Dear NIA, there’s more to journalism than road inaugurations & blooddonation camps
Catch News
The NIA probably thinks only reporting on road inaugurations and blooddonation camps is journalism. Quite possibly, it is unknown to the agency that there are domains in journalism and that different reporters cover different spheres, from
Want to Be a Journalist? The NIA Will Now Tell You HowThe Wire
‘Real reporter’ should cover govt’s development activities:NIAKasmir Monitor
Had Kamran Yousuf been a real journalist, he would have covered govt activities, says NIAGreater Kashmir
Times Now
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Flu, Severe Weather, And Holidays Contribute To Blood Donation Shortage – WFMY News 2

WFMY News 2

Flu, Severe Weather, And Holidays Contribute To Blood Donation Shortage
WFMY News 2
First, it was the busy holiday season. Then, it was severe winter storms. And now, it’s the flu. These three hurdles have greatly impacted the number of blood donations across the Triad for the past couple of months. The winter months are always tough
Flu Causing Lower Blood Donor Turnout Across TexasBig Country Homepage
Flu epidemic affects NC blood suppliesAsheboro Courier Tribune
American Red Cross: Severe Winter Weather, Flu Disrupting Blood DonationsDana Point Times
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