All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Flu epidemic impacting blood supply; donations sought at several locations – Tahlequah Daily Press

Tahlequah Daily Press

Flu epidemic impacting blood supply; donations sought at several locations
Tahlequah Daily Press
Donors may give blood the same day they receive a flu vaccine. Beginning Feb. 1, all OBI blood donors will receive their choice of a new, trendy T-shirt in one of three colors and positive words: olive, “Strong”; maroon, “Bold”; or teal, “Fearless

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Man’s best friends save a life through blood donation – KEVN Black Hills Fox

KEVN Black Hills Fox

Man’s best friends save a life through blood donation
KEVN Black Hills Fox
We always have K-9 blood on hand.” Animal Clinic of Rapid City has around 8 dogs currently enrolled in the donation program who come in as needed to donate their doggy blood. “Those clients that have signed up for it with their pets we try to schedule


Blood donors to get Sachin’s signed certificate | Business Standard … – Business Standard

Blood donors to get Sachin’s signed certificate | Business Standard …
Business Standard
Read more about Blood donors to get Sachin’s signed certificate on Business Standard. Batting legend Sachin Tendulkar’s signed certificate and a badge will be presented to donors at a blood donation camp on the occasion of the 90th Cricket Association

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Coffee Memorial Blood Center: Healthy Blood Donors Needed Now – MyHighPlains


Coffee Memorial Blood Center: Healthy Blood Donors Needed Now
The flu epidemic affecting Texas is negatively impacting the blood supply. Because so many of our regular donors are ill, or taking care of sick family members, they’ve been unable to give blood. Additionally, the widespread flu is forcing school
Flu epidemic impacting blood supply; healthy donors neededShawnee News Star
OBI to host a blood drive in Sand SpringsTulsa World

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