All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Blood donations drop during holidays –

Herald Palladium

Blood donations drop during holidays
American Red Cross officials say blood donations decline during the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day when busy holiday schedules cause regular donors to be less available to give and many blood drives may be canceled due to severe weather
Blood donations needed, drives scheduledHerald Palladium
American Red Cross needs blood donations | Delaware First MediaDelaware First Media
Blood donations needed during holidaysThe Macomb Daily
WAVY-TV –Go Blue Ridge –Waco Tribune-Herald
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‘Urgent’ appeal for blood donations during the holidays | Globalnews … –

‘Urgent’ appeal for blood donations during the holidays | Globalnews …
A lot of things expand this time of year: waistlines, social calendars, to-do lists — but during the busy holiday season one much-needed item is consistently in short supply. Canadian Blood Services is making an urgent appeal for blood donors over the
Blood donors step up, but more still needed – GlobeNewswireGlobeNewswire (press release)

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A teacher inspired them to achieve, now giving blood is the most meaningful way they can give back – Londoner


A teacher inspired them to achieve, now giving blood is the most meaningful way they can give back
Three years ago, after learning about a child at another school whose cancer treatments were delayed because of a lack of blood in the blood bank, Deagle organized the first Pints for Piche donation day. “I thought this is something we can do to help