All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Need to inculcate blood donation habit – The Hans India

The Hans India

Need to inculcate blood donation habit
The Hans India
Mahbubnagar: Marking the World blood donation day on Monday, Lion’s Natarajan, president of Red Cross Society of Mahbubnagar unit, urged the youth to inculcate the novel habit of donating blood, as it can help rescue the lives of those who are in …
Appreciation for blood donorsGreat Bend Tribune
Health Authority Calls Blood DonationUrduPoint News

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Voluntary Blood Donation Day celebrated – Daily Pioneer

The Tribune

Voluntary Blood Donation Day celebrated
Daily Pioneer
Many programmes were organised on the occasion of National Voluntary Blood Donation Day on Monday. The Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society (USACS) and State Blood Transfusion Council organised a state- level workshop at Town Hall on the day.
Blood Donation DayThe Tribune
Rajasthan: Camp held to motivate youth to donate bloodDaily News & Analysis
Morung Express –NDTV –United News of India
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Don’t fear donating blood: It burns calories, reduces heart attack risk – Economic Times

Economic Times

Don’t fear donating blood: It burns calories, reduces heart attack risk
Economic Times
Blood is an essential building block of human life. Today, millions of people around the world rely on donated blood to stay alive. But the amount of blood donated every year falls far short of what is actually needed. India alone falls short of three

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Don’t fear donating blood: It can prove to be healthy, after all – Economic Times

Economic Times

Don’t fear donating blood: It can prove to be healthy, after all
Economic Times
Blood is an essential building block of human life. Today, millions of people around the world rely on donated blood to stay alive. But the amount of blood donated every year falls far short of what is actually needed. India alone falls short of three

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