All posts by Blood donation - Google News


All Blood Is Red: Rigorous pre-donation screening targeting gays and men’s sex life is unwarranted – Times of India (blog)

Times of India (blog)

All Blood Is Red: Rigorous pre-donation screening targeting gays and men’s sex life is unwarranted
Times of India (blog)
In a controversial step, a new and more exhaustive blood donor screening questionnaire will now require male donors to detail their sexual behaviour and state whether they have multiple partners or engage in male to male sexual activity. Hitherto, the …


‘No blood from gays’: Male donors to be asked about sex life – Times of India

Times of India

‘No blood from gays’: Male donors to be asked about sex life
Times of India
MUMBAI: A new and more exhaustive blood donor screening questionnaire will now require male donors to answer questions about their sexual behaviour and whether they have multiple partners. While a ban on gay men donating blood has existed in India …
Male Blood Donors to Be Quizzed About Sexual Behaviour NowThe Wire
Blood not needed if you’re gay: The stigma attached to Mumbai blood banksBusiness Standard
Pride and Prejudice: SC gives equality, but blood banks don’t want ‘gay donorsTimes Now
The Global Health News (press release) (blog) –TMR Research Blog (press release) (blog)
all 30 news articles »

Vitalant And Monigle Reimagine The Blood Donation Industry – PR Newswire (press release)

Scottsdale Independent

Vitalant And Monigle Reimagine The Blood Donation Industry
PR Newswire (press release)
Blood Systems has long been one of the largest blood donation networks in the country, but found that its existing umbrella structure connecting individual blood centers was impeding the organization’s efforts to leverage its scale and network for
United Blood Services changes name to Vitalant, unifies donation centersScottsdale Independent
United Blood Services changes name to VitalantKSBY San Luis Obispo News
United Blood Services joins nationwide centers in rebranding as VitalantWyoming Tribune
all 7 news articles »

Blood Donation Centers Unite – WCBI

Blood Donation Centers Unite
Vitalant is the nation’s second largest community blood service provider with 127 donation centers in 40 states including Mississippi, that provide $1.8 million donations per year from their 780,000 donors. They support nearly 1,000 hospitals and
United Blood Services is now Vitalant; new name, unified brand for 127 nationwide donation
Blood Systems unifies its blood centers under new Vitalant
Bonfils Blood Center gets a new name, joins national donation KUSA

all 45 news articles »