All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Blood donor clinic shuts doors – Prince George Citizen

Prince George Citizen

Blood donor clinic shuts doors
Prince George Citizen
For 17 years, Holly Broderick has advocated for blood donation in Prince George’s local clinic, but in one month she will close that chapter of her life. Broderick, the supervisor of the Prince George clinic, is one of 17 staff who will lose their jobs
Canadian Blood Services moving to mobile clinics in SarniaSarnia Observer
Canadian Blood Services to close 3

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Europe Just Took a Huge Step Toward Ending Gay and Bisexual Blood … – Slate Magazine (blog)

Slate Magazine (blog)

Europe Just Took a Huge Step Toward Ending Gay and Bisexual Blood
Slate Magazine (blog)
Europe’s highest court, the European Court of Justice, issued a judgment yesterday requiring nations to base their blood donation policies on the latest scientific evidence, not potentially biased assumptions. The ruling made clear that singling out a
EU Court Rules In Favor Of Easing Gay And Bisexual Blood Donation RestrictionsTowleroad
EU Court Rules Banning Gay Blood Donors May be JustifiedHeadlines & Global News
Europe top court justifies banning homosexuals from giving bloodDeccan Chronicle –Courthouse News Service
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Canadian Blood Services closes Prince George, BC donation clinic –

Canadian Blood Services closes Prince George, BC donation clinic
Canadian Blood Services has announced it’s shutting down a Prince George, B.C. clinic, as part of a decision to close or change services at several donation clinics across the country. “There will be no impact on patient care; hospitals and clinics
Blood donor clinic shuts doorsPrince George Citizen
Change text size for the storySarnia Observer

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EU Court Rules Banning Gay Blood Donors May be Justified – Headlines & Global News

Headlines & Global News

EU Court Rules Banning Gay Blood Donors May be Justified
Headlines & Global News
The issue of banning blood donations from gay men began in 2009 after a doctor refused a blood donation from Frenchman Geoffrey Leger because he had sex with another man. The incident sparked uproar from gay men who felt that banning them from …
Europe Just Took a Huge Step Toward Ending Gay and Bisexual Blood Slate Magazine (blog)
Europe top court justifies banning homosexuals from giving bloodDeccan Chronicle

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Varadkar’s stance on gay blood donations will be closely watched – Irish Times

Irish Times

Varadkar’s stance on gay blood donations will be closely watched
Irish Times
The relatively minor decision on whether to lift the lifetime ban on gay and bisexual men donating blood has had an added dimension since Minister for Health Leo Varadkar revealed his own homosexuality. Varadkar cited the imminent decision on blood …

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Blood donation camps held in India to help Nepal victims – ANINEWS


Blood donation camps held in India to help Nepal victims
As they donated blood, policemen expressed their happiness in contributing to the large cause. “The image of a policeman is such that he is ever ready for service. Through this donation I want to convey a message that policemen are always ready to help
2000 cops donate blood for quake victimsTimes of India
Uttarakhand to send 1241 units of blood to NepalThe Hindu

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France could ease ban on gay men giving blood after ECJ ruling – The Guardian

The Guardian

France could ease ban on gay men giving blood after ECJ ruling
The Guardian
France’s ban on gay men giving blood has been criticised by rights groups as discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Any potential male blood donor in France who admits ever having had sex with a man is automatically and permanently banned …
ECJ rules men who have had sexual relations with other men may be prevented Scottish Legal News

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