All posts by Blood donation - Google News


GJ Police Department vs Fire Department: Who will win blood drive competition? – KKCO-TV


GJ Police Department vs Fire Department: Who will win blood drive competition?
Grand Junction, COLO. According to the American Red Cross, more than 40,000 blood donations are needed around the country every day. The Grand Junction Police and Fire Department need the community’s help to reach those in need. The two …

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Red Cross makes urgent plea for blood donors – Elmira Star-Gazette

News & Observer

Red Cross makes urgent plea for blood donors
Elmira Star-Gazette
To keep hospital shelves stocked, the Red Cross depends on a steady supply of blood donations throughout the year. Late winter poses a problem with storms and missed appointments as flu season takes its toll on would-be blood-givers, Nobel said.
Triangle Red Cross and Rex seek blood donorsNews & Observer
Red Cross in need of blood donationsSalisbury Post
Red Cross Has Urgent Need for Local Blood DonationsReston Now
Charleston Gazette –
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