All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Red Cross makes urgent plea for blood donors – Ithaca Journal

Ithaca Journal

Red Cross makes urgent plea for blood donors
Ithaca Journal
To keep hospital shelves stocked, the Red Cross depends on a steady supply of blood donations throughout the year. Late winter poses a problem with storms and missed appointments as flu season takes its toll on would-be blood-givers, Nobel said.
Triangle Red Cross and Rex seek blood donorsNews & Observer
Red Cross in need of blood donationsSalisbury Post
Blood banks work to rebound from February donation

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Triangle Red Cross and Rex seek blood donors – News & Observer

News & Observer

Triangle Red Cross and Rex seek blood donors
News & Observer
N.C. State junior Arianna Nasser donates blood Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at Rex Hospital Blood Services Donation Center to help close the supply gap that resulted after the winter weather storms. Taylor Knopf
Red Cross in need of blood donationsSalisbury Post
Blood banks work to rebound from February donation
Red Cross Blood Drives – Urgent
Marietta Daily Journal
all 167 news articles »