All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Donating Blood? Taking Iron Supplements Afterward Helps Speed Recovery … – Medical Daily

Medical Daily

Donating Blood? Taking Iron Supplements Afterward Helps Speed Recovery
Medical Daily
It can take months to recover the iron lost during a single blood donation, with such depletion linked to fatigue, slight neurocognitive changes, pica, and decreased exercise capacity — anemia. Another possible consequence of iron depletion is low …
Iron Supplementation Improves Hemoglobin Recovery Time Following Blood Science 2.0

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SPH Red Apple Day donation drive collects 140 units of blood – The Straits Times


SPH Red Apple Day donation drive collects 140 units of blood
The Straits Times
SINGAPORE – Staff and members of the public donated 140 units of blood at Singapore Press Holdings’ twice yearly blood donation drive on Thursday. Some 190 people turned up to give blood, though 50 could not donate due to medical conditions. The total …
140 units of blood collected at SPH Red Apple Day 2015AsiaOne

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