All posts by Blood donation - Google News


McCann campaign ridicules gay men’s blood donation restrictions with ‘Gaydr’ device – CampaignLive


McCann campaign ridicules gay men’s blood donation restrictions with ‘Gaydr’ device
McCann London has created a campaign for the Peter Tatchell Foundation ahead of World Blood Donor Day, on 14 June, that attacks rules preventing sexually active gay men from donating blood.
New Campaign To End Blood Donation Inequality In AustraliaQNews

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Summertime is blood donor time – Moorpark Acorn

Kelowna Capital News

Summertime is blood donor time
Moorpark Acorn
To help ensure patient needs can be met this summer, the Red Cross has set up the following local blood donation opportunities in June. All who donate blood or platelets through Sun., June 10 will receive a $5 gift card. Some restrictions
Kelowna politicians and BC sheriff’s deputies to mark blood donor weekKelowna Capital News
Shropshire blood donor sees red over lack of sessions | Shropshire …
American Red Cross: Blood donations decrease during summer seasonKMVT
Farnham Herald
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