All posts by Blood donation - Google News


Burlington family giving thanks for blood donation that saved little girl –

Burlington family giving thanks for blood donation that saved little girl
No one knows the gift-of-life importance of blood quite like the Ruggeris. The Burlington family’s baby girl, Ariya, will be celebrating her second birthday at the Burlington Blood Donor Clinic (1250 Brant St.) Thursday, June 14. That’s thanks to the


LifeSouth seeking blood donations in Brooksville – WFLA


LifeSouth seeking blood donations in Brooksville
The recent storms and inclement weather have negatively affected the community’s blood supply, and LifeSouth is asking blood donors to help. All blood types are needed, and donors are asked to donate now to ensure local hospitals have the blood …
LifeSouth in emergency need for blood donors –
Extreme need for blood donors in KC areaWyandotte Daily

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World Blood Donor Day – World Health Organization

World Health Organization

World Blood Donor Day
World Health Organization
Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure
Shropshire blood donor sees red over lack of
Summertime is blood donor timeMoorpark Acorn
Kelowna politicians and BC sheriff’s deputies to mark blood donor weekKelowna Capital News
KMVT –Farnham Herald
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LifeSouth in emergency need for blood donors – ROCKETCITYNOW –

LifeSouth in emergency need for blood donors – ROCKETCITYNOW
The recent storms and inclement weather have negatively affected the community’s blood supply, and LifeSouth asks blood donors to help.
LifeSouth prepares for hurricane season in Jacksonville with extra …Jacksonville Business Journal

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