All posts by Blood donation - Google News


‘SAVE DROP’: Srinagar boy develops app to make blood donations easier – Greater Kashmir

Greater Kashmir

‘SAVE DROP’: Srinagar boy develops app to make blood donations easier
Greater Kashmir
He was moved after going through the pictures of young boys who were injured and later died for want of blood in the summer uprising of 2016 in Kashmir. He decided to develop a unique mobile phone application to make blood donation easy for the people …


Blood donations needed urgently – Alberton Record.

Alberton Record.

Blood donations needed urgently
Alberton Record.
THE South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is experiencing very low bloodstock, so please make your blood donation today. Right now, near you, someone needs blood – not just any blood – a perfect match. Who knows, one day you or someone you love
Critical shortage of blood in KZNNorthglen News
#SANBS: Your 1 unit of blood can save up to 3 livesSoweto Urban

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Screening Blood Donations for Zika Has Low Yield, High Cost – Medscape


Screening Blood Donations for Zika Has Low Yield, High Cost
In the first 15 months after they began screening blood donations for the Zika virus (ZIKV), the American Red Cross identified just eight true positives, at a cost of $5.3 million each, according to data published online today in the New England
Testing for Zika virus in blood donors finds few infections — at a cost of about $5.3 million eachSTAT
Study finds little bang for the buck in Zika blood testingWTOP
Zika blood testing found to cost $5 million per positive result in USThe Japan Times

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Public Safety Blood Donation Day – Your News Now

Your News Now

Public Safety Blood Donation Day
Your News Now
It’s the first step in a six-step process that saves lives, the donation of blood. Tuesday was the first of many Public Safety Donation Days at the Allen County Red Cross chapter house. Local police, fire, and safety service personnel, donating and
Be prepared: Red Cross urges blood and platelet donationThe Shippensburg News-Chronicle
Lagos Red Cross Rallies 500 Pints Of BloodNaija News

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