All posts by Deceased Donors - Google News


Two hours after meeting him, Central Minnesota woman offers man her kidney – INFORUM


Two hours after meeting him, Central Minnesota woman offers man her kidney
“Living donors have to be in excellent health to donate a kidney,” Miller said. “When we (perform) that surgery, the kidney usually starts functioning right away because there is very little time without blood supply. With a deceased owner, they are


Two hours after meeting him, Central Minnesota woman offers man her kidney – INFORUM


Two hours after meeting him, Central Minnesota woman offers man her kidney
“Living donors have to be in excellent health to donate a kidney,” Miller said. “When we (perform) that surgery, the kidney usually starts functioning right away because there is very little time without blood supply. With a deceased owner, they are

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Two hours after meeting him, Central Minnesota woman offers man her kidney – Grand Forks Herald

Grand Forks Herald

Two hours after meeting him, Central Minnesota woman offers man her kidney
Grand Forks Herald
“Living donors have to be in excellent health to donate a kidney,” Miller said. “When we (perform) that surgery, the kidney usually starts functioning right away because there is very little time without blood supply. With a deceased owner, they are

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South Dakota woman donates kidney to former classmate – Lexington Herald Leader

South Dakota woman donates kidney to former classmate
Lexington Herald Leader
Both his grandfather and mother, who’d received kidneys donated from deceased donors, eventually died from the condition. Helmberger was diagnosed with PKD in his early 20s, and by 38, he’d reached stage 5 renal failure. At that point, Helmberger said …

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Augusta woman goes public in search for kidney donor, and is ‘amazed’ by response – Press Herald

Press Herald

Augusta woman goes public in search for kidney donor, and is ‘amazed’ by response
Press Herald
Juan Palma, one of two surgeons who handle transplants and the director of the Living Donor Program at the hospital, said Thursday that Maine Med performs about 50 kidney transplants a year, 27 from living donors and the rest from donors who have died, …
Augusta woman uses highly visible signs in ‘last-ditch effort’ to find new kidneyKennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

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Organ donation from stranger saves local man’s life – WTAJ –


Organ donation from stranger saves local man’s life
Every year about 7,000 Americans undergo a liver transplant—while twice as many people need one. Only a few hundred of the procedures involve living donors, despite the fact that when you give away part of your liver, it grows back. That came as


SGH is first in South-east Asia to perform living donor liver transplant involving incompatible blood groups – The Straits Times

The Straits Times

SGH is first in South-east Asia to perform living donor liver transplant involving incompatible blood groups
The Straits Times
SINGAPORE – A public hospital here has carried out South-east Asia’s first liver transplant involving a living donor and incompatible blood groups. In July last year, Mr Chen Yu Hui, 56 and his son Chen Qingzhong, 32, underwent a 12-hour operation at …