All posts by Deceased Donors - Google News


UAB Surgeons Perform State of Alabama’s First Adult Split-Liver Transplants … – Newswise (press release)

UAB Surgeons Perform State of Alabama’s First Adult Split-Liver Transplants
Newswise (press release)
Newswise — BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – As far back as 2009, Deborah Lethgo was told she was going to need a liver transplant at some point in her life in order to survive. Earlier this year, Eloise Jenkins found out she would need a new liver in order to live.
Life multiplied: Two women become first adults to share donor liver in

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Kidney Transplant ‘Tourism’ Comes With Risks: Study – HealthDay


Kidney Transplant ‘Tourism’ Comes With Risks: Study
Kidney transplants can come from a living or deceased donor, but living-donor transplants are more likely to be successful, according to U.S. health officials. Ideally, Danovitch said, people find their own donor, often a family member or friend
Cadaveric kidneys from infants and toddlers benefit adults in need of EurekAlert (press release)

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Anonymous’s KKK ‘leak’ targets the elusive online world of white nationalism – Washington Post

Washington Post

Anonymous’s KKK ‘leak’ targets the elusive online world of white nationalism
Washington Post
The list also has a couple of emails, at least two which were already publicly available, and another that is listed for an entry marked as “deceased.” But Anonymous doesn’t always speak with one … Ancona said that his Klan organization “doesn’t have
Anonymous KKK ‘leak’ targets world of white powerHeraldNet

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Ohio mother donates liver to newborn suffering from life-threatening condition – Fox News

Fox News

Ohio mother donates liver to newborn suffering from life-threatening condition
Fox News
Bea was put on a waitlist for a deceased donor at the end of May, about two and a half months after her Kasai procedure and when she was 5 months old. In children age 11 and younger, a patient’s place on that list is determined by his or her pediatric …


Faced with tragic loss, could you donate your boy’s organs? – Hamilton Spectator

Hamilton Spectator

Faced with tragic loss, could you donate your boy’s organs?
Hamilton Spectator
While demand for organs is growing, donation rates have been stagnant, with deceased donors numbering about 8,000 annually for the past decade. Overall, procurement organizations —CORE is one of 58 nationwide —recover organs from eligible donors …

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Norwalk man’s kidney donation benefits three recipients in cascading chain –

Norwalk man’s kidney donation benefits three recipients in cascading chain
… in the United States awaiting kidney transplants, that the median wait time for an individual’s kidney transplant is 3.6 years, and that in 2014, 17,105 kidney transplants took place in the U.S. — 11,570 from deceased donors, and 5,535 from living

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Hebburn family’s pride as tragic organ-donor dad gets award for saving four lives – Shields Gazette

Shields Gazette

Hebburn family’s pride as tragic organ-donor dad gets award for saving four lives
Shields Gazette
The award is run in conjunction with NHS Blood and Transplant and is presented to the families and loved ones of those who saved and improved people’s lives through organ donation. Last year, between April 2014 and March 2015, the number of deceased …