All posts by Deceased Donors - Google News


Bilingual Site Boosts Awareness of Kidney Donations For Hispanics/Latinos – Northwestern University NewsCenter

Bilingual Site Boosts Awareness of Kidney Donations For Hispanics/Latinos
Northwestern University NewsCenter
Infó was launched to help Hispanics/Latinos with kidney failure and their families learn about the options, risks and benefits of living and deceased donor kidney transplants and make informed decisions about what is best for them. The website


Transplanting Kidneys From Deceased Donors With Severe Acute Kidney Injury – Medscape

Transplanting Kidneys From Deceased Donors With Severe Acute Kidney Injury
Our aim was to determine outcomes with transplanting kidneys from deceased donors with acute kidney injury, defined as a donor with terminal serum creatinine ≥2.0 mg/dL, or a donor requiring acute renal replacement therapy. We included all patients

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Kidney Walk raises almost $4000: Nicholls Oval hosts annual event – Peterborough Examiner

Peterborough Examiner

Kidney Walk raises almost $4000: Nicholls Oval hosts annual event
Peterborough Examiner
Since both kidneys were from deceased donors, Dimovski never to got to say thanks. So to give back, Dimovski walks in the Kidney Walk to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. “I think it’s important that we get the word out there, the


It’s now possible to have your tattoos framed and preserved when you die – Quartz


It’s now possible to have your tattoos framed and preserved when you die
Since then, the organization has preserved 21 tattoos—14 from deceased donors, the rest excess skin removed during surgery. One of NAPSA’s first projects belonged to a 34-year-old man who died in his sleep. He’d had his son’s name inked below a heart, …


A genetic test could predict future troubles for kidney donors – why not use it? – Medical Xpress

A genetic test could predict future troubles for kidney donors – why not use it?
Medical Xpress
Over 100,000 people in the US are waiting for a kidney transplant. Most of the kidneys that were transplanted in 2014 (about 17,000 transplants) are from deceased donors. Kidneys donated from living donors last longer, but the number of living donors


A genetic test could predict future troubles for kidney donors – why not use it? – The Conversation US

The Conversation US

A genetic test could predict future troubles for kidney donors – why not use it?
The Conversation US
Most of the kidneys that were transplanted in 2014 (about 17,000 transplants) are from deceased donors. Kidneys donated from living donors last longer, but the number of living donors has dropped over the past decade. Ethnic and racial disparities in