All posts by Deceased Donors - Google News


‘Country must aim for one per million organ donor rate by 2020’ – Times of India

‘Country must aim for one per million organ donor rate by 2020′
Times of India
Most felt India should aim at pushing the deceased organ donor rate to one per million by 2020. “The 2014 rate of 0.34 per million is a significant leap from 0.16 seen in 2012. But it is time to intensify networking,” said Dr Sunil Shroff, managing

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Opinionator | It’s Time to Compensate Kidney Donors – New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

Opinionator | It’s Time to Compensate Kidney Donors
New York Times (blog)
Removing disincentives would help to lessen discrimination — poor people suffer more kidney disease, but have less chance at living donors who could get them off the waiting list. Having more living donors would shorten the wait for a deceased donor

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An organ donor and recipient tell their story 50 years after the first kidney … – ABC Online

ABC Online

An organ donor and recipient tell their story 50 years after the first kidney
ABC Online
Doctors at Sydney’s Prince Henry Hospital completed the first kidney transplant in New South Wales 50 years ago. Since then more than 1,400 kidney transplants from both living and deceased donors, ranging in ages from one to 73, have been undertaken.

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