All posts by Deceased Donors - Google News


To Be Oneself Again: All Icelanders Are Now Organ Donors By Default – Reykjavík Grapevine

Reykjavík Grapevine

To Be Oneself Again: All Icelanders Are Now Organ Donors By Default
Reykjavík Grapevine
All Icelanders will be assumed to be organ donors by default, with two exceptions: if the deceased specified beforehand that they do not want their organs to be removed, or if the deceased said nothing on the matter but their closest relative objects


Grateful husband can’t thank his ‘hero’ wife enough for giving him the gift of life – NW Evening Mail

Grateful husband can’t thank his ‘hero’ wife enough for giving him the gift of life
NW Evening Mail
Transplants from a deceased donor were unable to go ahead and no living donor matches were found in the transplant paired pool scheme. Mrs Heavyside offered to be donor for her husband. Tests showed she was a tissue match, but not a blood match.


Faith-Based Israeli NGO Associated with Doubling of Kidney Transplants – Breaking Israel News

Breaking Israel News

Faith-Based Israeli NGO Associated with Doubling of Kidney Transplants
Breaking Israel News
“In Israel, a non-profit organization, Matnat Chaim (“Gift of Life”), a faith-based initiative, has emerged as a major force for arranging living donor kidney transplantation mainly by facilitating altruistic living unrelated donor transplantation