All posts by Deceased Donors - Google News


Organ Donation: 7-year-old Boy Becomes First Child to Undergo Five-organ Transplant – Newsweek


Organ Donation: 7-year-old Boy Becomes First Child to Undergo Five-organ Transplant
Acknowledging her son’s deceased organ donor, Freestone said: “There also aren’t enough words to say thank you to the donor and their family and while we’re thrilled that Jay has been given this chance, we’re also incredibly aware of the sadness and

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Youths turn saviours, breathe life into India’s organ donation drive – Times of India

Times of India

Youths turn saviours, breathe life into India’s organ donation drive
Times of India
There is no nationwide study of age profiles of Indian deceased donors, but doctors say that the youth and the aged form the biggest groups of donors. The reason for this is not hard to find. Road traffic accidents and intracranial bleed are the two


Lower mortality rate found among living kidney donors with ESRD than non-donors – Healio

Lower mortality rate found among living kidney donors with ESRD than non-donors
Living kidney donors with end-stage renal disease had a lower mortality rate compared to matched non-donors, according to a study that will appear in the Kidney International Reports. “We found in a national, multiyear study of the U.S. incident

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Kidney ‘re-gifting’: How twice-transplanted organs can bring new life … – CNN


Kidney ‘re-gifting’: How twice-transplanted organs can bring new life …
Vertis Boyce is a 70-year-old African-American woman. But her new kidney used to belong to a 24-year-old Hispanic man. And before that, it belonged to a 17-year-old white girl.
After helping to save a young man, a ‘re-gifted’ kidney is giving new life to a 70-year-old womanWENY-TV

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In a world first, a US veteran now has a new penis and scrotum – The Verge

The Verge

In a world first, a US veteran now has a new penis and scrotum
The Verge
But it’s the first time doctors have transplanted such a large area of the body — including part of the lower abdomen, the entire penis, and the scrotum — from a deceased donor. The doctors will soon know whether the patient can urinate through his
Surgeons perform first scrotum and penis transplantSky News
Doctors perform first-ever penis and scrotum transplant for US veteranBig Think (blog)
Afghanistan veteran recovering from extensive 14-hour penis transplantToronto Star –The Sun –Baltimore Sun –Johns Hopkins Medicine
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US veteran who survived Afghan blast receives most extensive penis transplant – Irish Examiner

Irish Examiner

US veteran who survived Afghan blast receives most extensive penis transplant
Irish Examiner
A war veteran who lost his genitals in a blast in Afghanistan has received the world’s most extensive penis transplant, and doctors say he is recovering well and expected to leave hospital this week. Saying they wanted to address “an unspoken injury of