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RESTORING LIFE: Donate Life PA Act updates state organ donation law – The Times Herald

The Times Herald

RESTORING LIFE: Donate Life PA Act updates state organ donation law
The Times Herald
“Not if you don’t look harder for a donor,” her doctor replied. “That may not happen.” The average wait time for a kidney from the national deceased donor waiting list is five years. Sometimes it’s less, sometimes it’s more. Suffice it to say, someone

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Living kidney donor gives health to Niwot’s Keesy – Left Hand Valley Courier

Left Hand Valley Courier

Living kidney donor gives health to Niwot’s Keesy
Left Hand Valley Courier
Bob Keesy’s kidneys were failing so he asked for someone to give him one of their kidneys. One way he asked was a huge banner on the fence behind his house in Niwot which read, “Bob needs a kidney.” He just needed one kidney, but lucky Bob was …


Grandmother’s kidney donation garners kidney voucher for granddaughter while starting chain of kidney transplants – Emory News Center

Grandmother’s kidney donation garners kidney voucher for granddaughter while starting chain of kidney transplants
Emory News Center
With more than 100,000 people waiting on a kidney on the deceaseddonor waiting list, living kidney donor programs are making a big difference for patients in need. “By having a voucher donor, participating in living donation or receiving a kidney
Grandmother donates organ as ‘kidney gift certificate’ to save young granddaughter years from

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Grandmother donates organ as ‘kidney gift certificate’ to save young granddaughter years from now –

Grandmother donates organ as ‘kidney gift certificate’ to save young granddaughter years from now
Living donor transplants can cut wait times by years, and research has shown that that living donor kidneys tend to outlast those from deceased donors. Veale didn’t want to lose out on the opportunity of a potential donor. After all, altruistic donors