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Houston-based donation bank turns focus to women on World Kidney Day – KPRC Click2Houston

KPRC Click2Houston

Houston-based donation bank turns focus to women on World Kidney Day
KPRC Click2Houston
Twenty-two Americans die every day while waiting for a transplant because the need for organs is greater than the number of available donations from deceased donors. Living organ donations help bridge the gap, serving as the fastest option with the
Women continue to be way ahead of men in living kidney donationsThe Hindu
It’s World Kidney Day: Meet the mother and son who share special bond and kidneyCW39

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Women continue to be way ahead of men in living kidney donations – The Hindu

Mirage News

Women continue to be way ahead of men in living kidney donations
The Hindu
Sunil Shroff, managing trustee of Mohan Foundation, said data collated by his NGO revealed that only 20% of deceased donors in India were female and only 6% of all blood donors were female. “This trend is similar in all regions of the country,” he said
Why are women more likely to donate a kidney than receive one?CTV News
Kidney disease and womenMerinews
World Kidney Day puts spotlight on womenFlorida Today
Mirage News
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Study to look at extending heart transplantation donor pool – Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)

Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)

Study to look at extending heart transplantation donor pool
Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)
“Only meticulously designed ex-vivo human heart studies coupled with rigorous pre-clinical in-vivo heart transplants will provide sufficient scientific evidence to guarantee a paradigm shift in the field of transplantation by successfully utilizing


Organ Donation Myths: Get Your Facts Right – India’s Largest CSR … – IndiaCSR (press release) (blog)

IndiaCSR (press release) (blog)

Organ Donation Myths: Get Your Facts Right – India’s Largest CSR …
IndiaCSR (press release) (blog)
Now that all the myths are cleared, you should consider becoming an organ donor. By being an organ donor you can give someone a new ray of hope in life. CSR in India.
Birmingham sporting heroes back opt-out for organ donation after …Birmingham Live

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