Rims plans awareness drive on organ donation – The Times of India
Rims plans awareness drive on organ donation The Times of India
Rims plans awareness drive on organ donation The Times of India
Paul Adams with the Blood Center in studio to discuss blood donation WXXV News 25
Red Cross blood supply drops 25% Green Valley News
July heat slowed American Red Cross’ blood drives nationwide VC Star
‘Critical’ need for blood donations ahead of News 19 Back to School Blood Drive WHNT News 19
Donors react to blood shortage emergency WWNY
Red Cross blood donor supply drops 25% PAHomePage.com
LifeServe and MercyOne team up to boost blood donations KTIV Siouxland’s News Channel
Red Cross faces emergency blood shortage caused in part by heat NBC News
Health First emergency blood drive aims to mitigate impact of cyberattack against OneBlood Florida Today