Hooray for the RED, white, and blue. Donate blood on July 9th. – KARE11.com
Hooray for the RED, white, and blue. Donate blood on July 9th. KARE11.com
Hooray for the RED, white, and blue. Donate blood on July 9th. KARE11.com
Blood Drive Appointments Now Open for San Diego Comic-Con 2024 San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog
Kentucky Blood Center aiming to reach out to younger donors over summer season WEKU
Mayo Clinic sees urgent need for O-negative blood KTTC
‘Battle of the Badges’ blood drive returns KTIV Siouxland’s News Channel
Red Cross hopes to see many first-time donors at WMUR blood drive WMUR Manchester
White House blood drive highlights LGBTQ+ donors Advocate.com
Lifeline partners with family, hosts “Give for Graham” blood drive WBBJ-TV
Thamesville man makes 175th blood donation in honour of dad The Chatham Daily News
5th Annual Stars, Stripes & Pints Blood Drive in Louisville July 2 & 3 WDRB