All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


My heart was pumping at only17 per cent, I was so weak I couldn’t walk or brush my teeth..I thought I was going to die – Scottish Daily Record

Scottish Daily Record

My heart was pumping at only17 per cent, I was so weak I couldn’t walk or brush my teeth..I thought I was going to die
Scottish Daily Record
But a few weeks later, he was rushed to hospital and doctors broke the news that he had a serious heart condition and may need a transplant. Ross said: “I was shocked and petrified and thought I was going to die. I was … Ross wants to raise awareness

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How Anthony Pilkington has made Cardiff City look good in a week when sport has looked bad – WalesOnline


How Anthony Pilkington has made Cardiff City look good in a week when sport has looked bad
Fraser’s mother Anna-Louise has set up the organ donation charity Believe, after Fraser’s donation helped save four lives. Anna-Louise has appealed to sports stars to adopt the ‘Believe stance’ to raise awareness of the charity and Pilkington had


‘You could save a whole family’ – the plea from a mum who wants more people to become organ donors – Swindon Advertiser

Swindon Advertiser

‘You could save a whole family’ – the plea from a mum who wants more people to become organ donors
Swindon Advertiser
A YOUNG mother whose baby was born weighing under two pounds hopes her life changing experience of living with kidney disease can raise awareness of the need for organ donors. Stephanie Lambourne, 21, from Old Town, was diagnosed with … However the