All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


You Can Train Your Body Into Thinking It’s Had Medicine – Gizmodo India

Gizmodo India

You Can Train Your Body Into Thinking It’s Had Medicine
Gizmodo India
Ever eaten a favourite food that made you sick-prawns, say-and discovered that for weeks or months afterwards, you couldn’t face eating it? This effect is …. It was a stunning result that suggested Ader had been right about the power of conditioned

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Happy fill-in-the-blank Day, Feb. 14 – Agoura Hills Acorn


Happy fill-in-the-blank Day, Feb. 14
Agoura Hills Acorn
Or, for those of you who are more civic-minded or for whom celebrating Ferris’ birthday isn’t your thing, you can always come back with a hearty, “Happy National Organ Donor Day.” It’s a sure way to stop any googlyeyed lovers or heart-embracing couples …
Happyfill-in-the-blank-dayThousand Oaks Acorn

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Give Your Heart February 14th to Help Organ Donation – SYS-CON Media (press release)

SYS-CON Media (press release)

Give Your Heart February 14th to Help Organ Donation
SYS-CON Media (press release)
And for your good deed in bringing awareness to organ donation, you’ll have a chance to win Pizza for Life, as well as one of hundreds of Ghirardelli Chocolate Brownies for your significant other. You must be 18-years old to enter the sweepstakes and

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You Can Train Your Body Into Thinking It’s Had Medicine – New Republic

New Republic

You Can Train Your Body Into Thinking It’s Had Medicine
New Republic
Ever eaten a favorite food that made you sick—prawns, say—and discovered that for weeks or months afterwards, you couldn’t face eating it? This effect …. It was a stunning result that suggested Ader had been right about the power of conditioned

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Liberty couple embrace the vow ‘in sickness and in health’ – Kansas City Star

Kansas City Star

Liberty couple embrace the vow ‘in sickness and in health’
Kansas City Star
Jeff Magill discussed his illness a few weeks before National Donor Day, an annual observance designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to raise awareness of the 120,000 patients awaiting critical organ and tissue donations.