All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


What’s Wrong with Humanized Mice, Pig Men and Humanzees? – National Catholic Register

National Catholic Register

What’s Wrong with Humanized Mice, Pig Men and Humanzees?
National Catholic Register
An article last month in MIT Technology Review revealed that the work, directed at growing human organs for transplantation inside livestock, has resulted in human cells being injected into early animal embryos that have been gestated in sheep and pigs


World Cancer Day: Meet the woman fighting the disease and taboos in Sudan’s only breast cancer clinic – The Independent

The Independent

World Cancer Day: Meet the woman fighting the disease and taboos in Sudan’s only breast cancer clinic
The Independent
Following World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations that nations where healthcare is sparse should at least help women to become more aware of their bodies, Dr Fadl said that training and awareness-raising projects by the centre and others …

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World Cancer Day: Why is the disease still a taboo? – The Independent

The Independent

World Cancer Day: Why is the disease still a taboo?
The Independent
Ms Al-Qadhi says that such projects have also had a positive effect on attitudes towards breast cancer: “Thanks to high profile awareness campaigns, such as Breast Cancer Awareness Month which we brought to the UK in 1995, breast cancer is talked about …

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