All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


Planned Parenthood defunding bill shows how crucial it is to elect a pro-life … – Lifesite


Planned Parenthood defunding bill shows how crucial it is to elect a pro-life
“Planned Parenthood should be forced to raise their funds entirely through private donations like any other non-profit and not rely on taxpayers for the majority of their revenue – President Obama’s schedule will be free soon enough to help his

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Buc Shots: A number of important events to kick off the New Year –

Buc Shots: A number of important events to kick off the New Year
Over the next few weeks, we’ll have plenty of highlights looking back at Silvestri’s career and the impact he had on so many wrestlers. Speaking of wrestling, one of my favorite events will be held at Nutley High on … DiPiano, whose son Michael is


Sarah Hergenrother’s ordeal has changed her life almost overnight and has … – Russell publications Online

Sarah Hergenrother’s ordeal has changed her life almost overnight and has
Russell publications Online
Sarah Hergenrother, 19, is going through a life-changing ordeal – kidney failure – and is on daily dialysis while she waits for a donor kidney. An Organ Donor Event is planned for February 5 to raise awareness of kidney disease. A Peotone teen has


Buc Shots: A number of important events to kickoff the New Year –

Buc Shots: A number of important events to kickoff the New Year
Over the next few weeks, we’ll have plenty of highlights looking back at Silvestri’s career and the impact he had on so many wrestlers. Speaking of wrestling, one of my favorite events will be held at Nutley … an organ donation back in 1998. DiPiano


New video showcases Planned Parenthood officials hoping to profit from fetal … – Lifesite


New video showcases Planned Parenthood officials hoping to profit from fetal
Planned Parenthood officials have said that their “fetal tissue donation” program is limited to a handful of offices that receive only a reimbursement of their actual costs – which is allowed by law. “To date, Planned Parenthood has offered no

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