All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


Happily married young woman will die without lifesaving double lung transplant –

Happily married young woman will die without lifesaving double lung transplant
“I will die if I don’t get one, so it’s really important to me that we get awareness for people to sign up for organ donation,” George said. “And it’s looking like I won’t have … It’s easier to count the weeks I haven’t been in hospital. “I’ve been
Cobham woman with end stage cystic fibrosis in desperate need of double lung Get Surrey

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National minority organ donor awareness week brings hope for thousands – WDRB


National minority organ donor awareness week brings hope for thousands
McGuire said this has been designated National Minority Organ Donor Awareness Week to encourage more people of color to donate life. “There is a shortage of minorities that support the mission of saving lives thru organ donation and that’s represented

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This Week is Minority Organ Donor Awareness Week – Stamford Plus Magazine

Herald & Review

This Week is Minority Organ Donor Awareness Week
Stamford Plus Magazine
Seven years on kidney dialysis continues to keep Evelyn alive, but she is getting sicker every day and knows the only way for her to truly be healthy is to receive a kidney transplant. LifeChoice Donor Services is using National Minority Donor
St. Mary’s, health department cited for organ donation promotionHerald & Review

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Save a life through organ donation with a cup of coffee – Mackay Daily Mercury

Mackay Daily Mercury

Save a life through organ donation with a cup of coffee
Mackay Daily Mercury
“I see hundreds of people walking around with their takeaway coffee cups, so what better way to spread awareness and conversation about organ and tissue implants through coffee cups? ” she said. Donate Life Awareness Week, which runs this week until …
The realm of compassion, care and convincingChandigarh Tribune
Issue of low organ donation levels among ethnic minority groups highlightedBradford Telegraph and Argus

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Senator Peralta and big-hearted Hooters Girl want to make organ donation … – Legislative Gazette

Legislative Gazette

Senator Peralta and big-hearted Hooters Girl want to make organ donation
Legislative Gazette
Peralta made the announcement as part of the National Minority Donor Awareness Week and was joined by donors’ family members, living organ donors and recipients, representatives from LiveOnNY, and special guest Mariana Villarreal, a Hooters Girl from …

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DonateLife Week: Things Transplant Recipients Never Say video explores life as … – ABC Online

ABC Online

DonateLife Week: Things Transplant Recipients Never Say video explores life as
ABC Online
As DonateLife Week kicks off across the country, a group of young Australians have shed light into what life is like as an organ transplant recipient, in the video Things Transplant Recipients Never Say. Strict diets, ‘germophobia’ and fatigue are just