All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


After heart transplant, Elliot Sazama is planting joy – Grand Island Independent

Grand Island Independent

After heart transplant, Elliot Sazama is planting joy
Grand Island Independent
14, is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, and the Sazamas, along with the Children’s Heart Foundation, are promoting several events and chances to donate. Before Elliot was diagnosed, Rachel said, she didn’t know much about congenital heart …

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Awaiting a kidney, John Vito turns blogger – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (blog)

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (blog)

Awaiting a kidney, John Vito turns blogger
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (blog)
“Dialysis is kind of like a part-time job,” he says of his three-times-a-week routine, which starts around 6:30 a.m. at an outpatient medical facility in Brighton. Vito arrives with hellos and handshakes and even a couple of cheek kisses from