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Father qualifies as liver donor for ailing child – The Kingston Whig-Standard

The Kingston Whig-Standard

Father qualifies as liver donor for ailing child
The Kingston Whig-Standard
The family is trying to raise awareness about live liver donations. (Elliot Ferguson/The … The surgery is to take place within two weeks. “That is … Plus, she added, there is no guarantee that the transplanted organ will be accepted by the girl’s
Twins need liver transplants, dad’s a match but can only save one childWelland Tribune
Ontario twins need liver transplants, dad’s a match but can only save one childSun News Network

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Overcoming the odds: Jim Egan of Easthampton has his life back after unlikely … – GazetteNET

Overcoming the odds: Jim Egan of Easthampton has his life back after unlikely
“That would be my dream, if I ever came into some money, would be to raise awareness about organ donating. I’d take … His doctors eventually discharged him under the condition that he come back three times a week for tests and follow-up checks. He