All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


Cannes Lions: A Bold Choice for Health & Wellness Grand Prix –

Cannes Lions: A Bold Choice for Health & Wellness Grand Prix
“For me, ‘great’ in healthcare can’t just be beautiful—or just raise awareness,” he stated about his benchmark for assessing entries in Health & Wellness, for the first time running concurrently with the broader Cannes Lions International Festival of


New lease of life for Nantwich man following kidney transplant – Crewe Chronicle

Crewe Chronicle

New lease of life for Nantwich man following kidney transplant
Crewe Chronicle
Richard said: “This in itself was a life-changer, however I still had to spend four hours, three days a week on dialysis, but it gave me increased flexibility and reduced travel time to hospital and reduced my dependence on Leighton Hospital.” But

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A 43-minute film about a prostitute wins a Cannes Lions Grand Prix – Fast Company

Fast Company

A 43-minute film about a prostitute wins a Cannes Lions Grand Prix
Fast Company
… film that tells the story of a Dominican sex worker receiving a new heart. It’s essentially a long-form organ donation PSA, and the narrative film based on a true story has won the Cannes Lions Grand Prix in the health and wellness category

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Local man to celebrate first Father’s Day since transplant – Muskogee Daily Phoenix

Muskogee Daily Phoenix

Local man to celebrate first Father’s Day since transplant
Muskogee Daily Phoenix
The transplant center’s normal volume is one per week, said Leah Harper, marketing communications for St. John Health System. The transplant … Brian said he hopes his story will bring awareness and encouragement to individuals to donate an organ.


Woman accuses 2 hospitals of ‘medical kidnapping’, overcharging for liver transplant – The News Minute

The News Minute

Woman accuses 2 hospitals of ‘medical kidnapping’, overcharging for liver transplant
The News Minute
Many families we met in Yashoda hospital also seemed to have come through her. I don’t know if she has an arrangement with doctors as we received a liver in one week, while people in India usually die waiting,” Parul said. …. Pointing out that the

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