All posts by organ Donation Awareness Week - Google News


Worth Noting: Watch for Westside Parkway off-ramp closure next week – The Bakersfield Californian

The Bakersfield Californian

Worth Noting: Watch for Westside Parkway off-ramp closure next week
The Bakersfield Californian
Dignity Health Mercy and Memorial Hospitals are being recognized for their efforts in encouraging people to become organ, eye and tissue donors. The U.S.Health Resources and Services Administration’s Workplace Partnership for Life Hospital Campaign


Heartbroken parents reveal their ‘brave’ son, 12, has died from one of the killer flu strains sweeping the UK as … – Daily Mail

Heartbroken parents reveal their ‘brave’ son, 12, has died from one of the killer flu strains sweeping the UK as
Daily Mail
A 12-year-old boy has become the latest victim of the killer flu outbreak this winter, his heartbroken parents have revealed. Dylan Day, from Stoke-on-Trent, passed away after developing sepsis, a reaction that was triggered by a a strain of influenza

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Recovery Awareness Day observed at state capitol – WAPT Jackson

WAPT Jackson

Recovery Awareness Day observed at state capitol
WAPT Jackson
“I was on the transplant list for the deceased for four years at multiple hospitals…but the problem is for a deceased donor, there is a 7- to 10-year waiting list,” he said. “Some people don’t even make it 7 to 10 years on dialysis.” Tourists clicked

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A man goes to Disney World looking for a kidney. He finds one. – CNN

Health Thoroughfare

A man goes to Disney World looking for a kidney. He finds one.
“I can’t understand the thought process behind seeing a post like that and then reaching out and then completely ignoring him.” “He knew he had an expiration date. He knew he had a shelf life. I saw this as a desperate act. I couldn’t think of a reason
A Man Obtained A Kidney For His Transplant After Going To Disney WorldHealth Thoroughfare
T-Shirt Ad For A Kidney Donor Succeeds, New Jersey Dad Finally Gets Kidney TransplantTech Times
veröffentlichten die Bilder auf sozialen Netzwerken – FacebookFacebook
YouCaring –WPIX 11 New York –WFTV Orlando –Atlanta Journal Constitution
all 117 news articles »

A man goes to Disney World looking for a kidney. He finds one. – CNN

Tech Times

A man goes to Disney World looking for a kidney. He finds one.
“I can’t understand the thought process behind seeing a post like that and then reaching out and then completely ignoring him.” “He knew he had an expiration date. He knew he had a shelf life. I saw this as a desperate act. I couldn’t think of a reason
T-Shirt Ad For A Kidney Donor Succeeds, New Jersey Dad Finally Gets Kidney TransplantTech Times
veröffentlichten die Bilder auf sozialen Netzwerken – FacebookFacebook
Strangers Need Kidneys, Too. | Medical Expenses – YouCaringYouCaring
WPIX 11 New York –WFTV Orlando –Atlanta Journal Constitution
all 117 news articles »

Two 12-year-old students charged with cyberstalking in girl’s suicide – WLWT Cincinnati

WLWT Cincinnati

Two 12-year-old students charged with cyberstalking in girl’s suicide
WLWT Cincinnati
“I was on the transplant list for the deceased for four years at multiple hospitals…but the problem is for a deceased donor, there is a 7- to 10-year waiting list,” he said. “Some people don’t even make it 7 to 10 years on dialysis.” Tourists clicked

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‘We have undergone organ transplant surgeries, but that will not stop us from running the marathon today’ – Bombay Times

Bombay Times

‘We have undergone organ transplant surgeries, but that will not stop us from running the marathon today’
Bombay Times
It’s been four months since he got a liver transplant surgery done and now, he is raring to go. He says, “I will still feel like a winner even if I don’t run the entire 6.6-km of the Dream Run. I am participating in this marathon and running just to


‘We have undergone organ transplant surgeries, but that will not stop us from running the marathon today’ – Bombay Times

Bombay Times

‘We have undergone organ transplant surgeries, but that will not stop us from running the marathon today’
Bombay Times
It’s been four months since he got a liver transplant surgery done and now, he is raring to go. He says, “I will still feel like a winner even if I don’t run the entire 6.6-km of the Dream Run. I am participating in this marathon and running just to