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Jesus organ donation ad won’t be aired after 20000 complaints – Premier


Jesus organ donation ad won’t be aired after 20000 complaints
The film was released as part of Dying to Life – an initiative launched in response to concern Australia “lags behind similar countries in organ and tissue donor registration numbers”. Director, Richard Bullock said: “I wanted to deliberately provoke a …

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Jackie Doyle Price MP: Lack of understanding about organ donation process ‘breeds fear’ –

Jackie Doyle Price MP: Lack of understanding about organ donation process ‘breeds fear’
For example – all major UK religions — including Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism — support the idea of organ donation and transplantation. It is vital that we tackle misinformation with facts, encouraging conversation and debate, to get these communities


As MPs prepare to vote on op-out organ donation system, teenage girl reveals gift of lung transplant –

As MPs prepare to vote on op-out organ donation system, teenage girl reveals gift of lung transplant
After a life-saving lung transplant, Siobhan Murray gives a big thumbs-up, showing the joy and hope organ donation brings. On Friday, MPs will vote on an op-out organ donation system that will help thousands more like her.
Student loan forgiveness and other incentives could save lives. Here’s how.Washington Post

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