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Evey Staley One Show Film Sparks Huge Interest In Organ Donation – Isle of Wight Radio

Isle of Wight Radio

Evey Staley One Show Film Sparks Huge Interest In Organ Donation
Isle of Wight Radio
An emotional meeting between an Isle of Wight couple and the recipient of their daughter’s heart, filmed and broadcast on tv, was behind a huge spike in people looking at the organ donation website. Evey Staley, 10. Evey Staley from Northwood was


Greg Bryant slaying: Family confirms donation of organs – Palm Beach Post

Palm Beach Post

Greg Bryant slaying: Family confirms donation of organs
Palm Beach Post
The family of Greg Bryant, the former American Heritage football star shot to death early Saturday, has chosen to donate his organs, according to a family member. Allen Mosley, Bryant’s uncle, said Wednesday that the family agreed to the donation but
Former Notre Dame RB Greg Bryant was organ donor, saved
Greg Bryant’s Organs Saved “5 To 7″ People According To His High School Team’s TwitterCollege Spun
Report: Greg Bryant’s organs saved ‘5 to 7’ peopleCampus Sports

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Illinois Organ Donation Registry Reaches Milestone – WNIJ and WNIU


Illinois Organ Donation Registry Reaches Milestone
Illinois’ Secretary of State announced the state’s organ and tissue donor registry reached a milestone this week. Every year about 300 people die waiting for a transplant in Illinois. Secretary of State Jesse White says the number of people willing to
State organ and tissue donor registry hits 6 millionAdVantage News
Illinois organ and tissue donor registry reaches six millionCInewsNow
Here’s how Illinois residents can help save a lifeDaily Egyptian

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Indian health ministry sets up call centre for organ donation – International Business Times, India Edition

International Business Times, India Edition

Indian health ministry sets up call centre for organ donation
International Business Times, India Edition
India’s health ministry has set up a call centre to provide information related to organ donation, retereival Pictured: Surgeon James Guarrera prepares a donated harvested kidney to transplant into patient Adam Abernathy as part of a five-way organ
Georgia transplant recipient thankful for ‘powerful’ organ donation giftAtlanta Journal Constitution
Students paint for organ donationTimes of India
1 of 11 organ donors is a drug overdose victimChicago Tribune
The Indian Express –New Pittsburgh Courier –Muscat Daily
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Students paint for organ donation – Times of India

Chicago Tribune

Students paint for organ donation
Times of India
Using colours and crayons to give expression to their thoughts on the theme, ‘Organ Donation‘, students of Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 46, showcased their best painting skills in a competition organized by Regional Organ & Tissue …
1 of 11 organ donors is a drug overdose victimChicago Tribune
Cadaver organ transplant: In death, 2 patients give fresh lease of life to 4The Indian Express
Mayor Peduto, Sue Sciullo to urge Pittsburghers to choose organ donationNew Pittsburgh Courier
Muscat Daily –Irish Medical Times –Daily News & Analysis
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