All posts by organ donation - Google News


India can donate 9-10 lakh organs every year: Dr. Manish Sharma –

India can donate 9-10 lakh organs every year: Dr. Manish Sharma
In India we are mainly having live organ donations. If somebody’s kidney or any other organ fails, it is only his family members who can give their kidney for that particular patient whereas world over the scenario is changing for taking the organs


Theurer remembered, organ donation emphasized at ‘Recycle Yourself’ 5K – The Dickinson Press

The Dickinson Press

Theurer remembered, organ donation emphasized at ‘Recycle Yourself’ 5K
The Dickinson Press
Theurer’s oldest sister, Courtney, along with family friend Tennille Torstenson, organized a 5K run/walk Saturday morning — dubbed “Recycle Yourself” — at Dickinson High School to raise awareness for the organ donation process the family has grown to


Make organ donation policy “opt-out” to address need – Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Make organ donation policy “opt-out” to address need
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
According to Donate Life America, 124,000 people await transplants. This represents Ralph Wilson Stadium filled to 150 percent capacity. Why are there so many people waiting? A significant reason; many state’s “opt-in” policy for organ donation. Opting
A real super hero: Mother shares story of son’s organ donationsGazettextra
Advocates Rally To Raise Awareness For Organ And Tissue DonationCBS Local
PICTURES: Football team made up of organ transplant recipients play first ever match of its kindSouth Wales Argus
OCRegister –WAAY –WAPT Jackson
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LiveOnNY pushes New Yorkers to become registered organ donors with campaign featuring 3-year-old recipient, 30 … – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

LiveOnNY pushes New Yorkers to become registered organ donors with campaign featuring 3-year-old recipient, 30
New York Daily News
Every morning, Dashia McLeod awakes and awaits the call that will make her a survivor — and not a statistic. It’s been 27 months. Her phone has yet to ring. The vivacious 30-year-old Harlem woman, who landed on the waitlist for a heart transplant in …


A real super hero: Mother shares story of son’s organ donations – Gazettextra


A real super hero: Mother shares story of son’s organ donations
Emanuel believes in organ donation so much that she volunteers for the University of Wisconsin Organ and Tissue Donation Services. “I just did an in-service for the UW’s surgical team,” Emanuel said. “They don’t get to hear the donor’s side of the story.
Former rugby star waiting for heart transplant urges support for organ donation charity matchSouth Wales Argus
Donate Life run/walk trying Saturday for a record gathering of organ transplant recipientsOCRegister
Sonya Davenport talks about her life as an organ recipient and the importance of becoming an organ donor.WAAY
WAPT Jackson –Mount Vernon News (press release) (subscription) (blog)
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