All posts by organ donation - Google News


‘Organ donation changed my life’ – student – News24


Organ donation changed my life’ – student
The young man’s story is just one of many that have come out of the Organ Donor Foundation drive to promote awareness on organ donation in KwaZulu-Natal. The organisation is currently hoping to increase donors in the province where latest numbers …
South Africa: ‘Organ Donation Changed My Life’ – Student – allAfrica

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I’m living proof organ donation saves lives – Durban recipient – News24


I’m living proof organ donation saves lives – Durban recipient
Chananie is one of many who have emerged from the Organ Donor Foundation drive to promote awareness in KwaZulu-Natal. The organisation is currently hoping to increase numbers in the province where figures show that just 18 transplants were done in …
Organ Donation Changed My Life’ –

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Newcastle mum’s plea for more organ donors as figures show fall in numbers – ChronicleLive


Newcastle mum’s plea for more organ donors as figures show fall in numbers
More North East patients are dying waiting for a transplant as new figures reveal donated organs are desperately needed to save lives. The Chronicle can reveal that 23 people died while waiting for a donor organ in the past 12 months, up from 16 the …