All posts by organ donation - Google News


Young Organ Donors – KELOLAND TV


Young Organ Donors
Ashley Doohen’s decision to donate her son Tyrese Ruffin’s kidneys and liver was a life-saving gesture for two patients awaiting transplants. Many parents don’t ever consider the option of donating organs because they don’t expect to lose their child
Rose Parade Float to Carry Messages from the Heart: Honors Organ, Eye and
SGMC Wins GOLD in National Workplace Partner For Life Hospital

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Grateful teen tracks down ID of organ donor who saved dad’s life – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Grateful teen tracks down ID of organ donor who saved dad’s life
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Emily Mueller (left), her father Ron, mother Amy and sister Ava pose for a family photo in 2010, not long before Ron died. Emily will forever be grateful for the pancreas transplant that stretched her father’s life by a few years. Earlier this year, in


Joey Carley’s family meets organ donation recipient for first time – Coos Bay World

Coos Bay World

Joey Carley’s family meets organ donation recipient for first time
Coos Bay World
But Penny was overwhelmed by their kindness, and hopes her and Joey’s story will encourage others to become organ donors. “That’s the thing. An organ donor can touch so many lives,” Phil said. “And this is just one family…” “— but look how big this


Doctors wary of asking families about organ donation, clinician warns – Glasgow Evening Times

Glasgow Evening Times

Doctors wary of asking families about organ donation, clinician warns
Glasgow Evening Times
The Health and Sport Committee met yesterday for the second day of evidence for Glasgow Labour MSP Anne McTaggart’s bill to introduce an automatic organ donor register, where individuals are required to “opt out” if they do not wish to donate organs


New opt-out system in Wales aims to revolutionise organ donation – The Guardian

The Guardian

New opt-out system in Wales aims to revolutionise organ donation
The Guardian
When a person dies, if doctors think they are a viable candidate for organ donation, they will check to see if that person had joined the national donor register, which people can join online, via the phone or when renewing their driving licence. If
Organ donation means Gwynedd Granddad has four kidneys after receiving gift of Daily Post North Wales
Transplant Chief in China Denies Breaking Vow to Ban Prisoners’ OrgansNew York Times
‘The greatest gift you can give’ – Call for more organ donors to come forward The Star
AsiaOne –Bournemouth Echo
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