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ABI agent, organ donor to be honored in 2016 Rose Bowl parade –

ABI agent, organ donor to be honored in 2016 Rose Bowl parade
MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. (WHNT) – A former Alabama State Trooper who lost his life last year is living on through others. The Alabama Organ Center chose Brian Faulkner as an honorary organ donor to appear on the 2016 ‘Donate Life’ Rose Parade float.
Santa Clarita Organ Donor To Be Honored On Rose Parade FloatKHTS Radio
SCV Teen to be Honored as Organ Donor at Rose Bowl
Recipient of fallen officer’s heart meets family during Rose Parade prepWAFF

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MSP in plea on organ donation reform – Scotsman


MSP in plea on organ donation reform
Ms McTaggart told the committee: “We do need to increase transplantation. “The first-quarter figures for this year show that we are heading for an even bigger decrease in deceased donor rates of 10%. “We have to do something different, whatever we are …
Organ donation opt-out plan could boost donations by almost a

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MSPs hear mixed views on changes to Scotland’s organ donation system – BBC News

BBC News

MSPs hear mixed views on changes to Scotland’s organ donation system
BBC News
MSPs have been told that parts of the medical profession are split over possible changes to organ donation. The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) said its fellows had expressed mixed views about the Transplantation Bill. It would permit …
Opt-out organ donation will save lives say physiciansScotsman
MSPs to hear views on organ donation proposalsGlasgow South and Eastwood Extra
‘The current organ donation system simply doesn’t work’: Veto option questionedGlasgow Evening Times
The Times (subscription)
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Organ Donors Honored in Annual UK HealthCare/KODA Gift of Life Celebration – UKNow (press release)

Organ Donors Honored in Annual UK HealthCare/KODA Gift of Life Celebration
UKNow (press release)
LEXINGTON, Ky. (Nov. 17, 2015) – At age 16, Greenville, Ky. native Emily Austin Rhoads went to get her driver’s license, just like any other teenager. When asked about signing up for the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry, she agreed to join without a


Wife’s pride for late husband whose organ donations saved four lives – South Wales Evening Post

South Wales Evening Post

Wife’s pride for late husband whose organ donations saved four lives
South Wales Evening Post
On December 1 the system of organ donation is changing in Wales. If people have not recorded an organ donation decision – either opting or opting out – on the NHS Organ Donation Register, they will be treated as having no objection to donating any of
Organ donation is changing in Wales and here’s what you need to knowWalesOnline
Tamworth duo honoured for organ donationsTamworth Herald
Two Cambridgeshire organ donors honoured with awards posthumouslyCambridge News
The Northern Echo (registration) –MU The Parthenon –Times of India
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‘A little tiny body, an organ donor?’ Mom makes ultimate choice to save lives – WGNO


‘A little tiny body, an organ donor?’ Mom makes ultimate choice to save lives
NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – One year before Andree Blakemore and her family lost everything to hurricane Katrina, they lost Dougie. Right in front of their home at a crawfish boil, the 4-year-old was hit by a car. “It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever


Living organ donors not always covered for time off – Mansfield News Journal

Mansfield News Journal

Living organ donors not always covered for time off
Mansfield News Journal
MANSFIELD – Liz Bekeleski’s story has a happy ending. But she also shares a cautionary tale of her quest to donate a kidney to a relative. Bekeleski started researching kidney donation in March 2014, went through testing to become a living donor and