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Dying mum waiting for lung transplant ‘has weeks to live’ as friends keep … –

Dying mum waiting for lung transplant ‘has weeks to live’ as friends keep
According to NHS statistics, three people die in the UK each day waiting for an organ donor and this year saw the first drop in registers tot he organ donation list for 11 years. Figures also show only 58 per cent of families consent to a loved-one’s
Surge in immigrant driver’s licenses may have spurred more organ donorsSacramento Bee

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Thousands inspired to sign up to organ donor register thanks to one little boy … –

Thousands inspired to sign up to organ donor register thanks to one little boy
Thousands of people have been inspired to sign up as organ donors after a brave little boy’s life was saved thanks to liver surgery. Evan Goodbrand had the life-saving liver surgery when he was just nine months old. The now 10-year-old was only able to …

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NL organ donor policy ‘less than ideal’ says national group –

NL organ donor policy ‘less than ideal’ says national group
The Canadian Transplant Association says the Newfoundland and Labrador government should take another look at its organ donor policy. “Anything that prevents organ donation is not OK with me,” the association’s national president, Dr. Aubrey Goldstein, …
Organ donation review gets public thinkingTimaru Herald
Organ donor Kim honoured at special awards ceremonyGazette
Hornchurch woman honoured posthumously for organ donationYellow Advertiser
This is The West Country –Evening Standard
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