All posts by organ donation - Google News


Views wanted from public on ‘opt-out’ organ donor bid – The National

The National

Views wanted from public on ‘opt-out’ organ donor bid
The National
MSPs have issued a call for views on whether the law should be changed to introduce an opt-out system for organ donation. Labour MSP Anne McTaggart has introduced a Member’s Bill that seeks to tackle a shortage of organs by moving from the current …
Views wanted on organ donation system changeGlasgow South and Eastwood Extra

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‘A wonderful tribute to donors and families’ Memorial to organ donors … – WalesOnline


‘A wonderful tribute to donors and families’ Memorial to organ donors
One of Wales’ leading sports officials has spoken of her mother’s organ donation – and how it brought comfort to loved ones after she had died. Laura McAllister, the chair of Sport Wales, was speaking at a ceremony marking the introduction of a


Say I do to organ donation – Liverpool Echo

Liverpool Echo

Say I do to organ donation
Liverpool Echo
This week marks National Transplant Week. The NHS is urging the nation to break its silence on organ donation by saying ‘Yes I donate’. According to figures from NHS Blood and Transplant, a third of UK adults (almost 17 million people) admit they haven
Daughter hails ‘hero’ father who saved four lives ahead of organ donation campaignBucks Free Press
Thousands more sign up as organ donors in
MLA presents Bill to change organ donation opt out rules in Northern IrelandBelfast Telegraph
Cambridge News –The Guardian –Echo
all 101 news articles »

NATIONAL TRANSPLANT WEEK: North Devon urged to join the organ donor list in … – North Devon Gazette

North Devon Gazette

NATIONAL TRANSPLANT WEEK: North Devon urged to join the organ donor list in
North Devon Gazette
The campaign hopes to get the whole nation talking about organ donation and share their decision to sign the donor register. Last week, the Gazette relaunched Katie’s Appeal – in memory of Barnstaple teenager Katie Gammon – to encourage people to sign …

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Views wanted on organ donation system change – Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra

Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra

Views wanted on organ donation system change
Glasgow South and Eastwood Extra
Committee convener Duncan McNeil MSP said: “I’m sure everyone would agree that people dying whilst waiting on a transplant is such a tragic waste of life. Organ donation has transformed people’s lives and the lives of their families. “But of course for …

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