All posts by organ donation - Google News


Petition launched to reform organ donation system – Salisbury Journal

Cambridge News

Petition launched to reform organ donation system
Salisbury Journal
A SALISBURY woman who received a life-saving transplant has set up a petition calling for reforms to the organ donation system in the UK. Lucy Ryan had a heart transplant in 1993, a month before her third birthday. In April she celebrated the 22nd …
Why the Cambridge Transplant Unit at Addenbrooke’s is ‘unique’Cambridge News

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Students talk organ donation ahead of Donate Life Week – Warwick Daily News

Warwick Daily News

Students talk organ donation ahead of Donate Life Week
Warwick Daily News
DONOR heart recipient Stewart Bailey knows all to well about the benefits of a stranger ticking that organ donation box. Mr Bailey was left with heart damage, reoccurring “mini” heart attacks and strokes after suffering from a rare form of leukaemia
Guest Commentary: Donating organs saves livesThe Denver Post
Superior kidney donor hopes to inspire othersColorado Hometown Weekly

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Finding organ donors among Qatar’s Muslim community – Yahoo! Maktoob News


Finding organ donors among Qatar’s Muslim community
Yahoo! Maktoob News
The Egyptian web designer is one of the hundreds of employees at the state-owned Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), which is stationed at attractions around Doha and tasked with increasing the Gulf state’s organ donor registration rate. Before Ramadan …
HMC announces first set of figures from Organ Donation CampaignAl-Bawaba

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