All posts by organ donation - Google News


This organ donation PSA will punch you right in the heart An error occurred. – Salon


This organ donation PSA will punch you right in the heart An error occurred.
I am not going to tell you how it ends (stop being a dumb baby and watch it, it’s literally 90 seconds), but I have already said it’s an ad for organ donation, so I think you have a good idea where it will probably go. Bravo DDB Argentina and Fundación
Heartbreaking Argentinian ad has message for world about organ
This PSA Urging Organ Donation Will Leave You Bawling Feel-Good TearsHuffington Post
You’ll Need Tissues After Seeing This PSA for Organ DonationABC News –Co.Create –RYOT
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Editorial: Time to consider opt-out organ donation – Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen

Editorial: Time to consider opt-out organ donation
Ottawa Citizen
While Melnyk’s situation is sure to boost organ donation in the short term, just as Ottawa resident Hélène Campbell’s case resulted in thousands of registrations the week she appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show a few years ago, it’s simply not enough.
Eugene Melnky recovering in Toronto hospital after
Ottawa Senators owner Melnyk recovering after transplantCTV News
Robyn Urback: For every Eugene Melnyk we hear about, there are many more National Post (press release) (registration) (blog) – –Canada NewsWire (press release)
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This PSA Urging Organ Donation Will Leave You Bawling Feel-Good Tears – Huffington Post

Huffington Post

This PSA Urging Organ Donation Will Leave You Bawling Feel-Good Tears
Huffington Post
The slam-dunk formula of animals and mortality wrings tears in a new public service announcement underscoring the importance of organ donation. The PSA, titled “The Man And The Dog,” was created by director Rodrigo Garcia Saiz for Argentina’s liver …
Heartbreaking PSA shows that a dog’s loyalty never endsMashable

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