All posts by organ donation - Google News


Brazilian Ice Sculptures Encourage Organ Donation via Great Design – GOOD Magazine

GOOD Magazine

Brazilian Ice Sculptures Encourage Organ Donation via Great Design
GOOD Magazine
Checking that “Organ Donor” box on forms and papers saves lives, but does it capture the imagination? Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, in São Paulo, Brazil, recently launched a unique public art campaign to get residents to think of others, and donate


The myths and misconceptions about being an organ donor – WTTV CBS4Indy


The myths and misconceptions about being an organ donor
(May 7th, 2015)- For the Ashurst family, registering as organ donors is personal. Mom Carol signed up after her husband received a kidney. “It gave my husband several more years to live with his kidney,” said Carol Ashurst. “If he hadn’t had it he
Devastated Bramley mum calls for children to learn about organ donation at schoolEagle Radio

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Devastated Bramley mum calls for children to learn about organ donation at school – Eagle Radio

Devastated Bramley mum calls for children to learn about organ donation at school
Eagle Radio
Walking on a beach in Egypt, out of nowhere, three year old Georgia began to struggle to breathe. “Her last words were ‘mama’, she collapsed, I caught her, and her head flopped back, her arms just dangled by her little body.” The toddler was rushed to …