All posts by Related Donors - Google News


‘Dark Money’ Victory: US Lobby Groups No Longer Have to Disclose Donors – Sputnik International

Sputnik International

‘Dark Money’ Victory: US Lobby Groups No Longer Have to Disclose Donors
Sputnik International
According to a Washington Free Beacon report from 2017, OSPC has hired lobbyists to influence bills such as the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017 and the Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Appropriations Act of 2017
Other Voices: The IRS found a way to make ‘dark money’ spent on politics even darkerGreeley Tribune

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Raimondo and Brown spar over contributions linked to energy companies – The Providence Journal

Raimondo and Brown spar over contributions linked to energy companies
The Providence Journal
But the truth is that Brown gave multiple speeches in 2006 calling global warming a “serious global threat” even as he accepted the fossil fuel-related donations,″ Samsel said. She alluded to an explanation Brown’s campaign gave the news site


New York Legislature Expands the New York Paid Family Leave Program – JD Supra (press release)

JD Supra (press release)

New York Legislature Expands the New York Paid Family Leave Program
JD Supra (press release)
The second bill, the Living Donor Protection Act of 2018, expands the definition of the term “serious health condition” under the NYPFL law to expressly include “transplantation preparation and recovery from surgery related to organ or tissue donation.


Top Climate Change Donors Pull Back the Curtain on Their Past and Future Giving – Inside Philanthropy

Inside Philanthropy

Top Climate Change Donors Pull Back the Curtain on Their Past and Future Giving
Inside Philanthropy
Neither Klein nor Sea Change Foundation has ever solicited or accepted contributions from non-family related sources,” Simons said (see the full statement below). Rather, the couple said, Klein is entirely derived from a large trust in Bermuda whose …


Attorney General Bondi and Commissioner Putnam Join FTC and Other States to Combat Fraudulent Veterans Charities – Florida Trend

The NonProfit Times

Attorney General Bondi and Commissioner Putnam Join FTC and Other States to Combat Fraudulent Veterans Charities
Florida Trend
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Attorney General Pam Bondi, Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, the Federal Trade Commission, charity regulators and state attorneys general from around the country today announced Operation Donate with Honor.
Iowa Attorney General joins national effort to stop veterans charity fraudKCRG
Feds crack down on bogus military charitiesCBS News
Fake charity pledged to fight veteran suicide. Instead, it kept millions of dollars.Sacramento Bee

all 78 news articles »