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10 patients safely receive hepatitis C-infected lungs in new clinical trial – CTV News

CTV News

10 patients safely receive hepatitis C-infected lungs in new clinical trial
CTV News
Researchers behind a bold experiment to use hepatitis C-infected lungs for transplant say such organs could help address a critical shortage of donors and make “some good come out” of the increasing number of opioid-related deaths. Ten patients have …

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Charitable giving in US tops $400 billion for first time – WCJB


Charitable giving in US tops $400 billion for first time
NEW YORK (AP) — Fueled by a surging stock market and huge gifts from billionaires, charitable giving in the United States in 2017 topped the $400 billion mark for the first time, according to the latest comprehensive report on Americans’ giving patterns.
Charitable giving in US tops $400B for the first timeYoungstown Vindicator

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Contrary to popular belief, donating blood in Ramazan ‘is not a health risk’ – The News International (blog)

Contrary to popular belief, donating blood in Ramazan ‘is not a health risk’
The News International (blog)
Pakistanis, compared with other nations, are largely reluctant to donate blood, but in the month of Ramazan, donations drop so low that hospitals and organisations treating blood-related diseases resort to making appeals and sending out SOS calls to


As kidney donors, Kerala sisters offer gift of life to ailing patients – Global Sisters Report (blog)

Global Sisters Report (blog)

As kidney donors, Kerala sisters offer gift of life to ailing patients
Global Sisters Report (blog)
(Alina Anto is not related to organ donor Rose Anto.) At the age of 24, both of Alina Anto’s kidneys failed and she had to return to her home state of Kerala. During that time, she had registered her name with the Kidney Federation for a suitable donor