All posts by Related Donors - Google News


At Cornell’s medical college, father passes board chair position to daughter – Inside Higher Ed

At Cornell’s medical college, father passes board chair position to daughter
Inside Higher Ed
Weill Cornell Medical College’s Board of Overseers has been chaired for the past two decades by its namesake and major donor, Sandy Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup. His daughter, Jessica Bibliowicz, is now set to take over Weill’s role. She is the

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Charities’ ‘gift’ marketing strategies hit the right notes for donors – The Globe and Mail

Charities’ ‘gift’ marketing strategies hit the right notes for donors
The Globe and Mail
He opens brand-new products, almost always technologically-related, such as gaming consoles, smartphones, tablets and headphones. Talking mostly off-the-cuff to the camera, he reviews them. His global audience is 92 per cent male, and core viewers are …

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